Saturday 29 December 2007

Artist Research - bob marchant

Award winning conventional and high end digital photography.

Huge experience in digital work flow from photography to press.

The studio works within a rigorously controlled colour managed environment.

In house post production, retouching , image manipulation and proofing to ISO standards.

Fully equipped studio including a workshop enables creative and adaptable solutions for challenging commissions.

Thursday 20 December 2007

Wednesday 12 December 2007


I didn't really set times for my shoots, i have a Wednesday off college so I just waited till then to arrange a shoot to make sure people were out my house and i had the living room space to myself. (Largest room in my house).

food lighting

mince pies
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
looks like a simple shot but it took over 50 attempts to get to this stage an their is still so much more to do. I am going to retake this shot again and use fairy light and holly ( appose to basil leaf ) to jazz the background up.
I used one light from the left and a white mount board to the right to soften the shadows created by the elechrome. The background is a sheet of A3 paper , i used a 50mm lens at F1.8 to get the depth of field.
Looking at other photographers work, i think next time i am going to add more background elements now i have practiced focusing on the food. needs more eye catching features.

blurred self portrait

red blur
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
the blurred really enhances this image, not sticking to common traits of being in sharp focus, the angle of light ( above with a snoot) adds dramatic highlights to my face and bright red cardie. Also i like the face is in the centre of the frame making it a key feature and not sticking to the rule of 3rds.

slef portrait-eyeball

Originally uploaded by harvey30887
this is a close up of my eye, i really like the detail presented within the shot. Almost looks like my eye is on fire around the pupil. I used a light from above and light giving this clean detail, the downfall to this is the light reflection in my eye (using a polarizer may get rid of this).

Self Portrait

close up_pp
Originally uploaded by harvey30887

self portrait

Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I took this using a light from above and below my face line, shooting from a slight distance - gave me very soft light and sharp focus on my eyes making them the main feature in the frame.

calum long shadow

calum long shadow
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I had to do abit of photoshop work on to get rid of : stray tube, scratchers and finger prints

Saturday 8 December 2007

Artist Research - jonathan pollock

This image is :
  • simple
  • creative
  • attractive
  • the colours attract the viewer
  • sharp

Artist Research - Harold E. Edgerton

Most of my food images have been thought up and done, even thought it has all bin done before.

This is a photo by Harold E. Edgerton, the photo is called ‘milk drop’ taken in 1936- he became renowned as a photographer that photographed fast moving objects in a still image. In this image Edgerton used a fast shutter speed to create the kind of liquid sculpture, connoting a crown. This style of photography is called ‘stroboscopic’, which is a technique for capturing and depicting fast moving/kenotic actions. Using a dark room and a strobe flash he could shoot fast occurring events and break tem down into sections or a single image. The image was taken pre 1980’stherefore taken before digital technology was invented, ruling out any digital manipulation, but also we can see the second drop been dropped at the top of the shot suggesting it was just trial and error photography. (Another favorite image of mine is ‘the tennis player’ which gives the total kinetic movement of a tennis player striking a ball).

Friday 7 December 2007


The result was brilliant, the fruit was properly lit,, the final shots had :

  • dramatic
  • colorful
  • form
  • structure

It had worked a lot better that I thought, next week i am going to study into this more and create more fruit shots , using strawberrys and maybe berries.

orange in water - lighting moduel

orange in water
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I shot this using 1 elechrome light with a white mount board to bounce the light back into the subject, the orange was dropped into a fish tank filled with water and shot at 1/1000 of a second . Created some dramatic effects

Flickr comments:


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liamoakesphotography Pro User says:

i am impressed my friend.... well love these pics.. x
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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monica silva ©2007 Pro User says:

>>> orange in water<<< APPLAUSE APPLAUSE APPLAUSE!!!
FROM THE ****4 star fridge and gourmet dinner **** group
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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Plymography Pro User says:

Kooooool !
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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So Pumpkin Pro User says:

Great pic!
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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Evan Farinosi says:

Wonderful setup there!
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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AlexEdg Pro User says:

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called AllEdges Still Life, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group.
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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Xody says:

Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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lydia63 Pro User says:

Bonjour, je suis un administrateur du groupe Fruits et légumes, et nous aimerions beaucoup que vous ajoutiez votre photo à notre groupe.
Posted 2 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

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L8o Pro User says:

..nice work! :`) Catchiest Blogging!
Seen by a Catchy Colors admin / comments
Posted 2 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

white orange-lighting moduel

white orange copy
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I shot this using 1 elechrome light with a white mount board to bounce the light back into the subject, the orange was dropped into a fish tank filled with water and shot at 1/1000 of a second . Created some dramatic effects

egg water-lighting moduel

egg water copy
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I shot this using 1 elechrome light with a white mount board to bounce the light back into the subject, the orange was dropped into a fish tank filled with water and shot at 1/1000 of a second . Created some dramatic effects

Three orange= lighting moduel

three orange
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I shot this using 1 elechrome light with a white mount board to bounce the light back into the subject, the orange was dropped into a fish tank filled with water and shot at 1/1000 of a second . Created some dramatic effects


After i shot these shots i decided to move onto something more challegeing, I found an old fish tank at home and I want to shoot objects dropping into water to capture the crystal shimmering as the water splashes.
object ideas:
  • fruit
  • body parts
  • random objects
  • shoes
  • water proof objects

Lacoste - lighting moduel

Originally uploaded by harvey30887
me, Adam and Phil are working in a group for the studio work, our aim was to do product shots.
we started by getting to grips with the p20 and messing with the lighting, once this was obtained shots were flying here there and everywhere.
We mainly used a spot light and some colour gels. only a few images stood out as good to me,

product well lit
logo lit well
dramatic eye catching shot
product doesn't look out of place and is the main feature in the shot.

lighting moduel

calum long shadow
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
me, Adam and Phil are working in a group for the studio work, our aim was to do product shots.
we started by getting to grips with the p20 and messing with the lighting, once this was obtained shots were flying here there and everywhere.
We mainly used a spot light and some colour gels. only a few images stood out as good to me,

product well lit
logo lit well
dramatic eye catching shot
product doesn't look out of place and is the main feature in the shot.

light moduel

calum product copy
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
Me, Adam and Phil are working in a group for the studio work, our aim was to do product shots.
we started by getting to grips with the p20 and messing with the lighting, once this was obtained shots were flying here there and everywhere.
We mainly used a spot light and some colour gels. only a few images stood out as good to me,

-The product is lit
-logo lit well
-dramatic eye catching shot
-product doesn't look out of place and is the main feature in the shot.

light moduel

calum product copy
Originally uploaded by harvey30887
I had to do a bit of photoshop work on the bottle to get rid of : stray tube, scratchers and finger prints.