Saturday 8 December 2007

Artist Research - Harold E. Edgerton

Most of my food images have been thought up and done, even thought it has all bin done before.

This is a photo by Harold E. Edgerton, the photo is called ‘milk drop’ taken in 1936- he became renowned as a photographer that photographed fast moving objects in a still image. In this image Edgerton used a fast shutter speed to create the kind of liquid sculpture, connoting a crown. This style of photography is called ‘stroboscopic’, which is a technique for capturing and depicting fast moving/kenotic actions. Using a dark room and a strobe flash he could shoot fast occurring events and break tem down into sections or a single image. The image was taken pre 1980’stherefore taken before digital technology was invented, ruling out any digital manipulation, but also we can see the second drop been dropped at the top of the shot suggesting it was just trial and error photography. (Another favorite image of mine is ‘the tennis player’ which gives the total kinetic movement of a tennis player striking a ball).

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